We’re All Entrepreneurs Now


I work on 20Skaters, ThreeFortyNine, Ontario Startup Train and a few others. My vanity site is brydon.me.

Very few people, projects, companies etc associate, or identify, themselves as entrepreneurs, myself included. In doing the rounds promoting our upcoming Startupify.Me program, I hear it everywhere….

“Well I’m a developer and startups seem exciting but I’m not an entrepreneur and I’m not sure I want to do my own startup”

“We’d like to have a project from our company in Startupify but we’re not a startup”

None of that matters. As Brad Feld clearly illustrates in his book Startup Communities, we’re all entrepreneurs now, or at least we all need to start acting like one.

For software developers considering Startupify, you do not have be committed to launching your own startup. It’d be great if you did and we’ll support you in that but our program will prepare you to be a player “in dynamic industries that require entrepreneurial skills”. Find me an industry that doesn’t require entrepreneurial skills today and I’d say let’s wait and check back tomorrow. You simply need to understand the massive value that increasing your entrepreneurial aptitude offers you.

For companies considering putting a project into this round of Startupify, you do not have to be a startup. Our program will inject some startup talent and culture into your organization along with offering you the chance to evaluate and potentially hire some of our cohort. Even books are trying to imagine themselves as startups. As I say to all companies we speak with, technology will eventually disrupt every industry, your business may as well do some of the disrupting!