Current Office Availability

Dedicated Desks

Currently we have several dedicated desks available for $349/month. See below for more details or our About page.

4 Person Private Office

We have a 175 square foot private office available. This space is great for a two to four person team. It has lot’s of natural light, high ceilings, and whiteboards for your team to brainstorm and collaborate. Desks are included if you need them.

While you have a door and can close the office to allow your team to have private conversations, you’re also within a coworking space. This means your team has the opportunity to interact and be part of a larger office setting. Who knows, maybe your company will find some meaningful collaborations within?

All desks/offices include the following benefits:

  • Flexible leasing. No long term leases, month to month.
  • Coffee, tea, milk and cream.
  • Unlimited wifi.
  • 24/7 access to our building.
  • Unlimited use of our 10 person boardroom.
  • Parking, first come, first served.
  • Account in our Slack instance with our current, and former, members.
  • Access to our members only events like Founders Club.

Please contact brydon directly at brydon at to ask any questions or express interest.